Thursday, December 30, 2010

Random November pics

Hope you are all having a nice Christmas vacation! We are recovering from a bad stomach virus... sickness reigned from Dec. 19-27th in our house! Ewwww! Sorry I am behind on the blog. I will start with a little catchup of a few fun pics from November.

Katie took another sewing class at JoAnn's in November, with her friend Molly. They both made matching "BFF" pillowcases:

They also made BFF scrapbooks with all of the pictures they have together:

After a sleepover, the girls participated in a 1k race on a frosty November morning. Look at their bib numbers - all of the kids are #1!!

Jessi no longer needs to nap every day...but on some days that she insists that she's NOT tired, she ends up like this:

The girls like to build all sorts of crazy things with their Tinker Toys. Here is Megan the Rock Star, showing off her microphone:

At a school mass, Katie participated in the handbell choir. A select group of 3rd graders is in this choir, they commit to giving up 15 minutes of recess each week in order to practice. She did great!

All of our other November pictures are all from Disney. We went a little picture-crazy there! But I'm glad we did...we have the pictures as our computer screen saver now, and every day I find the girls camped out in front of the computer, looking at all the pics. What a fun trip!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE these pictures--all of the kids look so old, especially Katie!
