Thursday, February 16, 2012

Some day we will laugh about this...right????

So tonight we had an episode that can only be filed under "Some day we will laugh about this, right??"

Katie & Megan were upstairs taking a shower together in our bathroom, and Jessi was curled up on the couch downstairs between me (watching TV) and Chris (working on his laptop).  We started hearing dripping.  Where was it coming from?  Then we heard a pouring sound.  And found out where it was coming from - THE CEILING!!!  Water was pouring out of the ceiling right above the computer!!

Chris ran upstairs to turn off the shower - we figured a pipe had burst or the drain had a crack or something.  I ran into the kitchen to grab bowls and buckets to catch the water and towels to clean up the desk and computer.  Then I went upstairs to survey the damage.  It was not pretty...Chris' language, that is!  The girls were both crying their eyes out by the time I got upstairs.

It seems they thought it would be fun to plug up the shower drain with their washcloths, so the water would get higher.  But the shower basin is only about 2" tall, and they didn't think about what would happen when the water got up to that level.  They just kept happily splashing around in the shower, oblivious to the fact that water was pouring out of the shower, onto the carpet of our bathroom floor, through the floorboards, onto the drywall ceiling of the family room, and eventually onto the family room desk/chair/floor.

Neither one would fess up to whose idea it was, or who started it, despite Chris' intense interrogation.  (I figure it doesn't matter, they didn't do it on purpose to cause a mess, they did it to have fun)  The computer, desk, chair, and carpet are all fine, but the ceiling has a lot of damage to it.  There is one big soft spot about a foot across (see below), and the drywall tape line is bulging for about 10' long down the seam.  Guess we're calling a drywall guy tomorrow!!

I just keep repeating to myself, "some day we'll laugh about this!"  Please tell me I'm right!  (and don't tell me if you're laughing right now!)


  1. O. M. G!!!!,!!!! Hahahahahaha that is insane!!!! Sorry that you have to clean up the mess now.

  2. Poor kids, they were probably DEVASTATED! They're gonna remember this for life!

  3. They're just kids. What they did is more an accident than malicious. I hope you and Chris aren't too hard on them.

  4. ps carter did some drywall work at our new house, you shoudl fly him (and me!) out for the repairs! hehehe

  5. Mary - I said no laughing at us!

    Erica - they were SUPER sad and sorry, they had no idea it was pouring out of the shower. I'd love to fly you and Carter out here to fix it up!

    Mom - the yelling was only for a few minutes, til we figured out it was an accident. No need to worry about your granddaughters. The worst they heard was "what the hell were you thinking?". They apologized for the mess, and we apologized for yelling at them. It was a reaction, not a planned thing. I bet you would have yelled at us if you saw water pouring out of the ceiling and you knew we kids were responsible for it! We have all kissed and made up, everything is fine. No need to worry.

  6. Oh yes, some day you will laugh about this. Hopefully Chris will too! We've had similar stories here! They are just kids and as a kid I never would have realized water can go through the floor. Chalk one up to experience!
