Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!  Thank you for all of the cards and fun little gifts for the girls!  They love everything you sent/emailed them.  Thanks for thinking of them on Valentine's Day!

We had a lot of fun today.  Last night I decorated the kitchen with all of our V-Day decorations (since I never got around to putting them up any earlier).  So the girls were surprised to come downstairs this morning and see the kitchen all decked out in pink and red!  I got them each a cute card, and a Reese's PB heart.  The hearts were gone before breakfast!  I made them pink heart-shaped pancakes topped with strawberries, and pink strawberry-banana smoothies for breakfast.

At school they each passed out valentines, and brought home gobs and gobs of candy.  They were excited it was a non-uniform day, so they wore pink (Megan) and red (Katie) to school today.  For dinner, I made a new recipe - lobster and shrimp pasta with sherry tomato cream sauce.  Fancy schmancy!  And delicious!  For dessert, we made chocolate-dipped strawberries. 

Katie & Megan worked hard on a secret project upstairs last night and tonight - a V-Day banner and homemade presents for each of us.  So much creativity in two little kids!  I got a necklace made out of hospital gauze, with bits of yarn and ribbon tied all along it.  It's...interesting...and colorful.  Chris got a 'man' made out of a paper towel tube, wearing a vest and tie and a nametag "Mr. Lovey Dovey".  Jessica got a little doll that is a cross between our two presents!  My favorite part is that we had to pay a penny to go upstairs (Megan gave us each a penny, then took our collection back at the top of the stairs), and they had music playing for the presentation of gifts.  They really plan out every single detail!

After getting the kids in bed, Chris and I did a mountain of dishes, watched some TV, and filled out the school registration forms for next year.  So romantic!

Jessica's face after eating a Fun Dip candy.  What a mess!  Her tongue was bright green!

Girls showing off the chocolate-dipped strawberries.  Notice Mr. Lovey Dovey on the table.  Also notice Jessica's sourpuss face and her plate full of food.  She decided she didn't like dinner tonight.  And she refused to try it.  So she sat at the table while we enjoyed the strawberries.  She was mad, but not mad enough to eat a single bite of dinner!


  1. Happy V-day, girls! Sorry I didn't send a card....!

  2. I sent a card, +1 for Uncle Joe :)

    The girls are cute, I like the picture of sad Jessie haha. Steph and I made a similar dinner, I'll post pics soon.
