Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gardens and Dads

The day after school was out, I dragged the girls on the annual Rochester Hills Garden Walk.  It is always so fun - really!  We took lots of pictures of the ponds, and lots of closeups of pretty flowers.

Megan got a little too close to the lily she was smelling!

The day after the garden walk, I printed the closeup pictures of the flowers, because my little artists wanted to paint them!  There were plein air artists at each of the gardens, which really inspired the girls.

One day, Megan found a huge toad in our flowers!

On Father's Day, we went to church, and then went to Ottawa Lake to have a little get-together with Grandpa Christensen and the rest of the family.  We enjoyed yummy strawberry shortcakes, and we had a really nice time of sitting outside in the yard and chatting, while hummingbirds zoomed all around us.

All of the dads

We took Chris out for sushi dinner for Father's Day.  And Jessica discovered that she DOES like sushi!  Look out!

After dinner, we walked over to the library to check on "our" tadpoles.  They have legs now!  We had fun catching them (Chris included).

I took the girls strawberry-picking again the next day, and then we made our freezer jam.  Thirteen big jars' worth!


  1. These are all of the great things I remember from being young and growing up!!!

  2. So true, they will have these memories forever!! :)
