Friday, April 29, 2011

Before Easter

I took a zillion pictures over Easter weekend and our trip to visit the Kennedys, so I'll break them up into two posts.  The girls had Friday and Monday off, so we enjoyed a wonderful 4-day weekend break!  We left early Friday so we would have time to stop at a museum in downtown Chicago again.  This time we picked the Garfield Park Conservatory (aka botanical garden greenhouse).  I was in heaven!!  This place is soooo gorgeous!!  Here are two of the many, many pictures I took there:

On Saturday, we went to two Easter egg hunts.  Well, we were too late for the first one, but we got to meet the Easter Bunny there as he was leaving the scene. 

Then we hopped in the van and sped over to the other Easter egg hunt.  It was on the grounds of a beautiful mansion.  There were hundreds of kids, but there were plenty of eggs and it was a ton of fun for the girls.

After the egg hunt, we walked around the grounds.  There is a military museum that is really nice, and lots of tanks around the museum.  Climbing is encouraged, so the kids climbed almost all of them!

Climbing tanks wasn't enough, so then the girls started climbing trees:

After all that excitement, we went back to the house to meet Bram again.  He is 4 months old now, and has changed a LOT since we saw him last.  He is so interactive, and he has the best giggle/laugh ever!  The girls fawned over him all day long.  Poor guy needed a break from all the in-your-face entertainment!

We decorated eggs that afternoon:

Then we enjoyed a delicious dinner at home, and had an early birthday party for Megan.  I didn't get any pictures with our camera, but I'm sure Chris took some with his iPhone.  It was a busy day!


  1. Very cool. You always fit so much into your trips. How do you have that much energy?
    Will you post more pics of Bram? By the way, that name is really growing on me!

  2. I LOVE the photos of this post! I really like seeing all three girls together in order--they are so similar yet so different! Also I LOVE the photo with Jessi hugging Megan's waist!! So cute!!
