Friday, December 11, 2015

Fall sports

We had a very sporty fall, with two soccer players and two cross country runners!

Megan played on the CYO Holy Family team so she could stay with her friends and coach.  It's a great group!  The big change this year was it was 11 v 11 on full-sized fields!  Meg picked it up quickly, and was one of the top players.  She usually played midfield, but they had a small team so she also played defense and forward.  She's #83:


Katie & Megan both ran cross country with the CYO Holy Family team.  Katie chose CYO over her middle school's team so she could run with a friend.  When we realized that 5th graders were allowed, we were sold, because Megan could be on the same team!  It was a fabulous team, with the nicest coaches and families.  The girls learned a lot about running and perserverance.
Warming up before a meet

At the starting line

Meg racing in for a finish in the 2 mile event

Megan, her BFF, and a frog!

Team meeting after every meet, to praise everyone's improvements

Meg's finish at an away meet

Katie's big kick

Sisters and teammates

It POURED rain at the beginning of this meet.  Poor wet rats.

Lots of splashing in the low spots

Poor Katie lost her shoe at the very end (in the mud), but kept going!

Megan the soccer star.  She had great endurance thanks to the cross country training.
Hmmm, I don't have any pictures of Jess playing soccer.  I know I do later in the season, so you'll have to wait.

1 comment:

  1. I was afraid you stopped blogging so thanks for the updates! I really enjoy them!
