Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Labor Day camping trip

We went on our annual Labor Day camping trip to our local county park.  The first 24+ hours it was just us girls.  Yep, we packed up the van, set up the tent, started a fire, cooked dinner, etc all by ourselves!  We are awesome!

The girls want Grandma C. to see what our tent looks like.  It is a mansion!  Our bedroom is on the left, and the kids' is on the right.  The middle room is the changing room.

The girls are very proud of the fire they started all by themselves!

There are tons of activities for the kiddos.  This one was making marshmallow creatures.

A calm dragonfly let us take his picture.

Kids playing soccer

Another craft - making puppets

Pedal boat time!!

Dodge ball game - kids vs grownups!

Tie dying success

Balloon animals

Artsy sand creations at the beach

Another pedal boat ride with daddy

Katie splurged and bought some color changing crystals for our fire.  It was so cool!

We also enjoyed: tons of biking, nice walks and a long run for Chris, movie night (Frozen, of course), lots of reading (I finished a whole book!), time at the beach, a hayride around the park, and more.  Our county parks are the best!  So close, yet such a fun getaway!


  1. OK girls. Your tent is lovely. And the camping experience looks like a lot of fun.
    BUT, grandma prefers a nice hotel room with a soft bed , tv, and free breakfast.

  2. i prefer camping, that looks like SOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun! I can't wait to take Violet on adventures like this when she is older!
