Saturday, September 13, 2014

Chicago trip!

Chris took a few days off work so we could have a long, leisurely trip to Chicago before school started.  We spent one day downtown, and had lots of fun being tourists!

Looking at the bean!

Kids at the bean

Look at that skyline!  And that cute family!

Megan must have thought we were at the St. Louis arch, because she wanted to do a handstand.  She did it!  All by herself!  (I thought she was crazy, there was nothing behind her back to help support her!)

After the handstand, a friendly dragonfly landed on her head.

Here we are again
We had lunch at Gino's East pizzeria (but we all had pasta or beef sandwiches, go figure)

We stopped by the Nike store for new running shoes for Chris (no pics), and then we went to the American Girl store!  The girls were in heaven!!

Jess showing off her old AG soccer uniform compared to the new version.

Jess fell in love with this dress, and bought it for her A*G doll.  Each girl brought their own money to buy one outfit each.

The Lego Store is right next door to the American Girl store in the Water Tower Place Mall.  Pretty convenient!!  They didn't have much for girls, surprisingly, so we were lucky enough to walk out with just a single big green board.

Girls by Water Tower

It was a beautiful day, so we walked from Millenium Park to the A*G store, and back.  I was in LOVE with the plantings along the way!  Chicago landscaping is the best!

More cool plantings.
It also happened to be the day before the Air & Water Show, and we got the treat of seeing the Blue Angels practice for the show!!!  They zoomed by lots of times, and everyone stopped, looked up, and tried to see which way they were coming.  Because of the skyscrapers, we didn't get to see them for long enough to snap a picture, but it was very exciting!  The sounds and echoes were crazy!

On Saturday, we visited Grandma Postorino and got this wonderful family picture!

Then we had a BBQ in Wheaton for the whole family, plus the Moulds clan.  It was such fun to catch up with everyone!  Mom K. had a small surprise party planned for Jessica, complete with cupcakes from Joe & Nancy, and presents to open.

Grandma secretly got this matching dress for Jess to wear with her American Girl doll!!  She was so surprised!  Also notice her super loose top tooth.  It was just hanging there all day long!!

By Sunday, both top teeth were super loose, just hanging by a thread.  It was sooooo gross!

After many hours of promises, threats, bribery, etc, Jessica FINALLY pulled out her top tooth!  It didn't hurt one bit!

And one minute later, she pulled out her other top tooth!

Grandpa thought her smile looked funny, so he gave her some sunflower seeds to help fill the gap  :)

This is her new smile!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhhhhhhh that smile is so beautiful!!!!

    ps how did you not get PIZZA at Gino's?!?!?!?!? I am aghast!!
