Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Summer in March

This past week plus, the weather has been insanely warm and wonderful!  We're talking sunny and 80 every day!  Are you surprised that we have visited every park and/or playground within 3 miles of us?  Or that we've visited DQ and 7-11 already?  I didn't think so!  :)

Girls enjoying freezy pops before our walk to Bloomer last Saturday

Girls constructing a home/fort in a white pine stand in Bloomer Park.  They visited three play areas before settling down in the woods for an hour to play with sticks and pine needles!

Megan and Jessica sang in the children's choir at church last Saturday.  They did a beautiful job, as always.

Our daffodils are all open!!  We kept an eye on this one all day Saturday, til it was finally fully open.  It was so cool to watch!

We went to Carrie's shower on Sunday, and had a very nice time.  The girls helped her with wrapping paper/ribbon cleanup.

Jessica with "Sally the snake" at preschool on Monday.

It was special guest night at preschool on Monday, and since Chris was out of town, I got to be the special guest!  I felt so lucky!  (do you like my farmer's tan??  I swear I use sunscreen!!)
Today was the BEST. DAY. EVER. for me, because I got to walk all morning (alone), AND I got to garden all afternoon!  This morning, after dropping off Jessi at preschool, I decided to go on lonnnng walk, and wound up wandering up and down the streets of downtown Rochester for two hours!  It was so much fun to admire all of the houses and landscaping.  This afternoon, Jessi and I cleaned out the garage, the van, and the front porch.  Then we tackled the veggie garden, and planted lettuce, spinach, peas, and radicchio.  Then we weeded some of the other flower beds, since the weeds are already going crazy!  It was sunny and 84, so I got nice and sweaty and dirty.  My shower tonight felt sooooo good!

It has been so fun to enjoy this weather.  Every day, Jessi and I have been having picnic lunches at various parks.  Every afternoon after school, we visit a different park with the girls.  We are used to wearing shorts and flip-flops every day, and not bringing a jacket with us.  I could totally get used to this!  Too bad it's only March!

Chris comes home on Fri afternoon, just as some cooler weather comes into town.  We can't wait to see him!  He won't believe our yard...the grass growing, the daffodils and hyacinths in full bloom, the magnolia's big flowerbuds, the crabapple leafing out, etc.  Spring is definitely here!


  1. looks like so much fun--I miss you all so much!

    It was warm here too but I don't think it ever got to 80.

    PS It warms my heart that they'd rather play with sticks and pine needles than on a play structure!!! Girls after my own heart!

  2. You girls are growing up so fast! I've been enjoying the warm weather too - while it lasts. I wish it would stay like this always.
