Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Katie's B-day Party

I'm sorry I'm behind in blogging all the excitement of last week.  Last week was crazy busy with events, including the all-day scrapbooking fundraiser on Saturday.  Chris also left for a 2-week trip to Italy on Saturday.  And I got hit with a really bad cold a few days ago.  (not sure if it's the old cold resurfacing, or a new one)  So I'm not functioning on all cylinders...but here goes a quick recap of Katie's 10th Birthday Party!!

Katie wanted her party at the local ice skating rink again, same as last year, so she could invite all the girls from her class.  Twelve were able to come, plus our three girls, so we had a great time!  We held the party on a Tuesday, since school was closed for a professional development day.  It was a fun way to spend a random day off school.

Birthday girl with cupcakes.  We tried the new "Fun-da-middles" cupcakes and they were delish!  I piped the frosting on in squiggly circles and they looked almost professional.  Almost.

Skating beauties.  The girls all skated for the first hour before breaking for pizza.

Pizza time!  The empty chairs are for siblings, who joined us later.  The girls sang Happy Birthday to Chris at the beginning of the party - so cute!  He said thanks for all the gifts.

After pizza, the girls went back on the ice for the second hour of open skate.  I was impressed at how long they stayed on the ice.

Then it was time for cupcakes!  It took Katie a few tries to blow out all ten candles, but she did it.

She got LOTS of great presents, especially clothes and doodads from Justice.

This was the "goody bag" given to each girl at the party: an Irish coffee mug filled with gloves, kleenex, lip gloss, and a hot cocoa packet.  It was a big hit.

1 comment:

  1. I would have loved a party like this when I was 10! Youre a good mom, Amy!
