Saturday, December 10, 2011

December so far...

We've had a very busy month so far.  Are you surprised??  :)  The month started off with Chris on a trip to Italy for work.  He had an exciting flight home - on a private jet with the CEO!  The day after he got back was the Rochester Christmas Parade.  Chris helped to build the school float, and the girls walked in the parade.

Famous kids - they were on TV!!

Fan club at the parade
Jessi loves doing her own hair, and everyone else's! 
Most nights I have to spend 5+ minutes taking out dozens of
clips and other accessories out of someone's hair.

Jessi has really gotten into puzzles.  She loves to show off
her skillz and never allows a sister to help her.

Last night we decorated our tree.  It's so beautiful! 
(even if there are no ornaments up high)
 On Tuesday, we celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary.  Well, there wasn't a lot of celebrating.  We had to squeeze in Katie's tutoring and a dr appt before we went out for dinner.  And in the parking lot of the eye dr, Jessica got "tripped by my mama" (as she puts it) and fell HARD on her face.  Her hands were in her jacket pockets, so nothing broke her fall.  She was bleeding everywhere - she had two split lips, bloody nose on both sides, and a badly scratched up nose.  Her lips and nose swelled up quickly.  She spent most of the night with ice on her face!

That night we went out to dinner at a Japanese hibachi place, where they cook the food in front of you.  It was a big hit with the girls, except Jessi was afraid of all of the fire.  Not even the onion volcano could make her smile.
Today we took Jessi back to the eye doctor to pick out her frames.
Here she is!  Her new glasses are brown on the outside, and deep
purple on the inside.  It is subtle, but very cool.  Her lenses will
be in within a week, and then she will be sporting specs all day,
every day!  Poor farsighted baby!

Also today, we hung the rest of our outdoor lights, and we put up all of the decorations in the house, including 5 nativity scenes and dozens of snowmen.  We also baked peanut blossoms and watched Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.
Cookie monsters

Add in choir practice, ballet practice, and LOTS of homework and special projects, and we have had a whirlwind of a month so far!  This coming week will be full of end-of-the-year stuff at school etc, and then it will slow down.  The girls are in school til the 20th.

1 comment:

  1. I saw this post a long time ago, but I just wanted to say that I love your December events! You are making some wonderful memories for the girls.
