Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Christmas celebrations

We have had a whirlwind of Christmas celebrations for the past two weeks straight.  Two weeks ago were all of the school parties, and the all-school prayer service.  We were cookie-making machines, and were able to give a ziploc of homemade treats to each of the girls' many teachers, who are each so very special to us.  We also took the girls to a Santa brunch after Katie sang at church on the 18th.  And we went to a rollerblading party when school was out!

Last week, Mom & Dad C came here for an early Christmas.  We opened presents in the morning, and we all loved our gifts!  Then we went to a Polish restaurant for lunch, and then we visited a Polish market and a Polish bookstore, before going to an Italian market.  Our dinner was a hodgepodge of homemade gnocchi and takeout Italian subs, but it was good!  Then we walked around downtown Rochester to enjoy the lights.  The pictures don't do it justice - the lights are amazing!

We drove to Wheaton to celebrate "real" Christmas.  We had a leisurely time visiting with friends and family while we were there.  The girls didn't wake up too early on the 25th, which was nice.  We opened presents (again loved them all!), went to church, enjoyed a yummy brunch at Joe & Nancy's plus more presents, and drove to Racine for Christmas dinner.  An exhausting, but fun day!

On our drive home, we stopped in downtown Chicago to see the Blue Man Group.  The girls loved it!  But we got home very late at night, and had to push back "our" Christmas by another day.  Santa brought lots of presents to our house while we were gone, and they had to spend another night under the tree.

Yesterday was a very relaxing day of opening presents and playing with all the new toys.  The girls played outside in the snow (a rarity so far this winter), and we all went to the pool for fun.  The girls had a sleepover in Megan's room last night; all three were curled up in Megan's bed.  It was so cute!  They slept fine, and weren't up too early - as far as we know.

Today we attempted to tame the mess in our house, and filled our garbage and recycling bins to the brim!  We also did a little shopping with our gift cards, and cleaned up part of the basement.  The girls spent the day playing with their toys, and they're having another sleepover tonight, this time in Katie's room.  Jessi is on the bed, and Katie & Megan are on a "nest" of blankets on the floor.  They are all very worn out and are sleeping great.

Thank you to everyone for the generous gifts of presents, and for spending time with us if you were able.  We have had a wonderful Christmas this year, and we look forward to an even better 2012!

We had way too many pictures to add to this blog post, so I uploaded them to Snapfish to make it a little easier:

Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. We want a update!


    word verification: waxessem

    waxessem, wax off
