Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving weekend

Happy Thanksgiving!  We have had a fun weekend so far.  We hosted Thanksgiving, and the highlight was Chris' deep-fried turkey.  Everyone loved it!

Thanksgiving feast with Mom & Dad Christensen, Joe C. and his girlfriend Stephanie:

Joe & Stephanie spent Friday with us, too, before they flew back to Boulder.  We hung out all day, and the girls were extra crazy with an audience around.

Today started off on a very sad note.  Chris took Kenny to the vet, who confirmed what we thought - the FIV disease progressed quickly.  Kenny was down to only 8 lbs, and has been vomiting and poo-ing everywhere in the basement.  We made the difficult decision to put him to sleep.  RIP, our Kenny-cat!

Later today, we took the girls to the zoo to enjoy the warm weather.  We saw all the animals, and had a picnic lunch outside - without coats!  The new lion exhibit is way cool - we got so close to the lions!

 The butterfly house was a huge hit, too:

I put up some Christmas lights today, and ordered our Christmas cards.  The tree may make its appearance tomorrow!  I want to get started on Christmas stuff ASAP since Chris is heading to Italy on Monday, and we have a busy week (month!) ahead.

Hope you enjoy this mini-update.  I am going to try to get caught up this week.  Wish me luck!


  1. Yeah for holiday time! So glad you had a good Thanksgiving... We wish we could have been there. What all was on the menu?

  2. Poor Kenny, I'll always remember him! I'm sure it was a hard decision but at least Kenny isn't in pain anymore, sounds like he was pretty sick :-(

  3. Menu - turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, crescent rolls, salad, mashed potato casserole, and gravy. And Mom's pies - apple, pumpkin, and chocolate pudding!!

    Kenny - yes, he was much sicker than we thought. We saw that he was declining, but didn't know he had lost so much weight. He was getting too weak to go up and down the steps, and was even too weak to meow. It was so sad, and a hard decision. No medicine or procedure would have helped him get better, though. FIV would have continued his decline. :(
