Monday, November 28, 2011


Let me do a quickie overview of November, in pictures!

Girls playing outside on one of the many warm November days we had.  Notice Jessi's bare feet!

Girls playing in the leaf pile in our back yard.  There was much screaming, running, and jumping!

Family pic at Grandpa Christensen's visitation

Siblings all together

Cute pic!

All the Christensen cousins (aka grandchildren)

Grandma Christensen with the grandkids AND great-grandkids

Our little family

Grandpa's funeral was on a very warm day, so after the luncheon, we went back to his house and took a family walk to the woods.  The girls found lots of corn and beans to play with!

Our final carrot harvest, and our first stalk of brussels sprouts (of four plants)

Yummy rainbow carrots from our garden!

Jessi would NOT eat the squash or brussels sprouts one night.  She didn't put up a fight, she simply fell asleep at the table!

Girls singing together in the combined Children's Choir (Katie) and Praise Kids (Megan and Jessica).  It was the very first time Jessica was in the choir!  She did a fabulous job.  It was Megan's first time this year, and she did great, too.

All in all, November was a fabulous month for our family.  We had many days off school and Chris had several days off work.  Soccer was over, so we had lots of free time compared to Sept & Oct.  We had time to go swimming once a week, go on lots of walks, and clean up all of our gardens and the yard.  The girls are working hard in school, and are all doing very well.  We are in a great routine of homework and reading each night.  Megan loves to read to Jessica, and Katie loves to read to both of them!  I feel surprisingly rested, and ready for the chaos of December!  (let's hope this feeling lasts!)


  1. November looked like a fun month! Glad you had such good weather.

  2. there's so much I love about this post--every photo tells a hilarious and cute story! Love the garden bounty and rainbow carrots, and especially love all the pics of the girls (falling asleep at the table and all!)
