Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sledding in Ohio

Last week the girls had Friday off school, for the end of the marking period. So we took advantage of the 3-day weekend and went to Ohio to visit Mom & Dad C. We went sledding three times - the weather and the snow was just perfect!

Here we are at Pearson Park. This hill was small and pretty bumpy, but the girls loved it anyway. Here's Katie, being a daredevil and holding her hands in the air:

Chris dreamed up this way to sled with the girls. It doesn't look to safe to me, but there were no casualties, so I guess it's ok! You should click on this picture to see it larger...the smiles on their faces are just priceless! :)

Jessica, Chris, and Katie about to hike back up to the top of the hill. Jessi got a ride every time, the lucky dog.

Megan was super fast. She must be the perfect weight, low to the ground, and GREAT at steering. It was hilarious to watch her zoom down the hill over and over, often face first!

Pretty little Megan, who looks so innocent. Just wait to see this speed demon on the slopes!

We also sledded twice at Maumee State Park, right on the shores of Lake Erie. This was a much bigger hills. Here we go up the hill:

Here's Chris taking Jessi down the big hill in his crazy method:

Chris and his girls at the top of the hill. See Lake Erie in the background? We walked on the ice of Lake Erie and on the ice on a smaller lake on the other side of the hill.

Here are the girls with Grandma and Grandpa. They were good sports, and did plenty of sledding with us, believe it or not!

It was a great mini-vacation to Ohio!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun, believe it or not we don't have many good sledding hills in Broomfield....or maybe we just don't know about them. I miss sledding!

    PS love how Katie is still wearing the hat I made her!!
