Sunday, August 15, 2010

Schedel Gardens & Arboretum

On July 31st, we took a day trip from Mom & Dad's C's house to Schedel Arboretum, just a few minutes away. It was just beautiful, so peaceful and relaxing. (Until the girls got there, that is)

We started in the Japanese garden, and admired the streams and waterfalls. Grandma wanted to find a bench and just sit here all day long, but we convinced her to come with us to the other areas!

Family pic by one of the lakes.

It was cicada season! There were thousands of holes in the ground, and thousands of cicada skins stuck on the tree trunks. We had a blast sticking them to our clothes! I don't know why I like to do this soooo much, but I do!

Jessi didn't want any on her dress, but she was happy to stick them to me and her sissies.

Here's my weird little bug girl, Katie.

Here's our weird bug family!

Megan got a hold of the camera and look lots of "artistic" shots, which I will spare you most of them. Here's her portrait of our family in the bonsai area.

Megan took this picture of a juniper tree as old as Mom & Dad C!! It was planted the same year they were born. I think it is HILARIOUS that it is held together with duct tape!! Reminds me of Dad's shoes!!

Here's Dad snuggling with a crabby Jessica. The upper gardens were equally spectacular, but the girls got tired quickly, so we had to kind of rush through them. I didn't take many pics of the gardens themselves, but trust me that they are amazing. Dad got a membership (yay!) so we look forward to going back in different seasons!

1 comment:

  1. ooooh I want to go to the arboretum next time I'm in town!

    ps I'm with Jessi--no bugs for my shirts please!
