Tuesday, March 15, 2016


We started the month with a crash course of all six Star Wars movies, courtesy of Joe and Steph's xmas gift to us of all the Blu-Rays.  It was awesome!  The girls loved them!  Megan's face was priceless when she found out (spoiler alert) that Anakin was Darth Vader!  We lived Star Wars for a long time...the girls talked about it constantly, and even played the Star Wars channel on iTunes radio a lot!

Then it was time for the BIG day - seeing Episode 7 in the theater, the night before school started back up.

Our theater has awesome recliners

The girls loved the new movie, of course, and continued talking about it for a long, long time.  They can't wait for the DVD to come out so they can watch it again!  They are hoping for more clues on who are Rey's parents!

Girls helping me with bug work.  I'm still plugging away at it, very slowly, though.

Jess taking a shot at basketball practice

Henna tattoos for free at our library!  We went in for another event, but bumped into an Muslim-American educational event.  One of our neighbors was volunteering at it, too!  They had delicious treats like dates and baklava, and amazing art work.  The henna was the girls' favorite, though.

While Chris was in Brazil, we girls took a day trip to the DIA:
The art craft of the day was weaving

We happened upon a Native American dance in the Rivera Court!

The main attraction (for us) was sketching in the galleries.

We went ice skating on MLK Day, and the girls met up with some friends there:

More basketball practices:
I just love her pose/profile here!  She's getting so big!

Jess with a fast break

Megan and Jessica are continuing gymnastics classes every Thursday, all winter long.  They love it, and are quite good at it!
Meg is doing the bridge, and Jess is doing the handstand

Jess balancing on a bosu ball type thing

Meg climbing to the top of the rope - no small feat after 75 minutes of hard gymnastics work!

Katie's playing basketball, too, in the 7th/8th grade girls league.

Girls devouring some Far Side books...we went to the library's used book sale, and got a stack of Far Side books for 50c each!  They don't always get the humor, but when they do, it's so cute!

Megan played in an indoor soccer league on tiny fields.  She was the high scorer on her team, but also took a shift in the goal.  It was tough on such a small field!