Sunday, August 23, 2015


We made lots and lots of pickles! Sometimes the girls helped...

And sometimes they didn't:

We made dill:

Bread and butter:

We took a break to fuel up. A nice storm just missed us:

We came back to make spicy dill. It was soooooo spicy that we couldn't breathe in the kitchen without coughing and choking!

We had to go outside to fill the jars!

We also had to open all doors and windows to get fresh air to be able to breathe in the house. The result was lots of bugs! Our ceiling was a splattered mess!

Another DQ trip after a run. The girls are training for cross country this fall, and have run 2 miles nearly every day this whole month!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm, I love pickle season! We canned 10 quarts a couple nights ago, might have to do more to build up my stash for the winter....
