Saturday, June 14, 2014

End of school festivities

Megan's 3rd grade class held a musical program at the end of the year.  It was the musical/comedy "E-I-E-I-Oops!", and Megan was a pig and got to tell a joke in between songs.  It was fun!

Megan's the pink pig in the middle

Whole 3rd grade class

Celebrating afterwards at DQ!

One day after school, I took the girls to "the beach" for an afternoon of fun.  We almost had the place to ourselves!  So peaceful and so fun!

University Hills Elementary had a very fun field day.  Jessica's grade went in the morning.  The fun included...
a bouncy house!

relay races

pass the hula hoop while holding hands

using a sponge to fill up a bucket full of water

snacks and a class picture!

Megan's grade went in the afternoon.  I helped out at one of the stations, so I didn't get to see her the whole time, but I got to see quite a bit.
relay races

bear walk

instead of a sponge to fill up a bucket, her grade had to use a toilet plunger!  Ewww!

This was my station - the shoe catapult!  Kids had to kick off one shoe as far as they could to win a point for their line.  All of the kids in all of the grades loved this one!  I had to spend all afternoon picking up stinky shoes all over the field, though.  :(

Katie had three half days to finish out the school year, for finals.  On Wednesday, she had a half day when Meg & Jess had a full day, so we took advantage of the alone time to go shopping together.  We went to Nordstrom to buy her long awaited Sperry Top-Sider boat shoes, to Lululemon to buy her a long-awaited headband, to PF Chang's for lunch, and to Dicks for new running shoes.  What an expensive - but fun! - afternoon!
Our delicious lunch!

On Jessica's last day (Thursday), her grade held a party with fun stations and games.  It was drizzling, so it all had to be held inside, but we still had fun.
Jess whacking a piñata

Jess signed a pillowcase for each member of her class

Isn't this the sweetest idea ever?!  Jessica absolutely treasures it!

spoon race

sack race

crab walk relay race

Jessica with her amazing teacher!

Megan's grade held "camp" the last day and a half of school.  They made their room into a girls cabin and a boys cabin.  They had camp-themed snacks, crafts, activities, story time, etc.  They even wrote a letter home to their families!  It was a super fun way to end 3rd grade.
Megan with her wonderful teacher

Katie getting on the bus for the very last day of school!

I brought home a surprise on the last day of school - a tarantula!!!  Katie's school library had some pets that needed summer homes, so I volunteered to take the tarantula and three huge goldfish (in the pond).  Her name is Fuzzbutt, and she is about 9 yrs old.  She loves crickets and walking around her home, and we all love her!  We checked out lots of books from the library about tarantulas, so once we learn a little more, we might even get brave enough to take her out to walk around.  Katie said some of her teachers would walk around with her on their arm, or put her on their desk, so I know she's pretty tame.

Also on the last day of school, we met up with Mom & Dad C and the CCs to go to a Tigers game together!  What a super fun way to end the school year!
carousel ride...all the animals are tigers, of course!

our crazy group

Very cool sunset illuminated the skyline

Cute girls!

The Tigers lost, but we had lots of peanuts, nachos, and ice cream.  Plus, there were fireworks after the game!

Today, Jessica had a pool party at a classmate's house, which was essentially a class reunion!  The kids got along great, and their teacher even came for about an hour!  Jessi was a little water bug for three hours straight!
I forgot to take pics while she was in the pool, but snapped this one before we left.

We went to the community garden tonight, to water, and found three banana peppers ready to pick!  Our first harvest from here!  We were very slow to get things in the ground, but it was a cool spring, so hopefully everything will catch up quickly.

Also tonight, we had a bonfire after doing lots of yard work and cleaning the garage.  Megan is modeling her new shirt from the CCs.

Let the fun of summer vacation begin!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Those kids deserve a treat, sounds like they had a great year!
