Monday, March 3, 2014

This Weekend

Jess was feeling better on Thursday, and even ate some oyster crackers while playing play doh. She went back to school on Friday.

Meg was honored as the first person in her class to learn the multiplication tables 0-10! She is now flying through the division facts!

Friday night was our gym's Daddy Daughter dance! Here are the two girls who chose curly hair:

Chris playing with Jess, hopping her up high enough for a kiss!

Daddy and Jess:

Daddy and Meg:

For some reason I don't have a photo of just Katie. But here is the whole gang:

On Saturday, we had doctors appts in the morning, went to Sam's club in the afternoon, and to Katie's basketball game at night. Her team won, and finished with a 5-1 record. They're seeded 2nd in the league, so have a first round bye. They play 3/15. IF they win, finals are at the Palace on 3/30!!!

On Sunday, we went to church, shoveled 3 more inches of snow, played in the new snow, and played our first whole-family game of Scrabble! Chris had some iffy words (fiz? Kevin?) but used his iPhone to justify them. Jess had the word of the day: video!

Shortly after this game, Meg turned pale, then started vomiting. Yes, the stomach bug has spread. :( she is staying home from school today.

Tues is a day off school for teacher training, so she'll get two days to rest, which is good. But we have Katie's birthday party with friends planned for tues afternoon...lets hope no one else gets sick!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

YES... FIZ is a valid word in Scrabble!


  1. I like Katie's hair too, and all of their bows/flowers! Also funny that Chris had the sketchy words, not the kids :-) Congrats to Megan and Katie, I hope she gets to play at the Palace, that sounds so exciting!! I would have LOVED that when I was her age!!

  2. Just one question - did Katie wear the sandals to the dance? Brrrrrr! I have my feet so wrapped up in socks and slippers in the winter. Beautiful girls!
