Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Back to school!

I have lots of things to post about in the past week...Jessi's glow golf party, camping, Greenfield Village, etc, BUT I need to share these school pictures first!  They're just too cute to wait!

Katie started 5th grade on Tuesday, with a half-day of school.
Grown-up Katie on our front porch

Katie with her teacher, Mrs. Demarco.  Katie loves her already!

Katie unloading her supplies into her desk.  She is right across the hall from her classroom last year, so she feels very comfortable with the school, hall, lockers, etc.  She has most of her best friends in her class this year, which is great!

Megan and Jessica started school on Wednesday, with a half-day.  It was a busy morning because there were no buses today, so I did lots of driving between the two schools!
Megan the 2nd grader

Jessica the Young 5'er

Three girls in a row, all ready for school!

Jess and Meg in front of their school

Megan unpacking her supplies into her desk.  She has a lot of friends in her class, especially girls from her soccer team.  She's so excited to be with them all!

Megan with her teacher, Mrs. Kurkiewicz.  Megan said she is really nice and really funny!

Jessica by her coat hook

Jessi by her classroom door

Jessi with her teachers.  Mrs. Sgroi, on the right, is her main teacher.  She has been a kindergarten teacher in the school for several years, and took the Y5 job this year so she could work part-time and have more time at home with her young sons.  Mrs. Sutherland, on the left, is the assistant teacher.  She has a daughter in Katie's grade, and has known Jessi since she was a week old and I took her to Katie's kindy class.  Mrs. Sutherland's daughter was in that class, and has played soccer on the same team as Katie for a few years now.  So Jessi is very comfortable with her!

Jessi colored her frog picture perfectly.  Their classroom is known as the Young 5's Frogs, and there are frogs all over the classroom!
We had a great first day of school!  We lucked out with the "best of the best" teachers in each grade, as several people commented to me today.

Tomorrow will be a full day for everyone (except Jessi, who goes half-days all year long), and there will be buses - hallelujah!  We already packed lunches, snacks, and water bottles to make the morning easier.  It will be tough to get all three girls ready at the same time every day, but so far they are excited to wake up early and get dressed and eat breakfast quickly.  Let's hope it lasts!


  1. Such big girls! I'm so happy they had good first days. Tell them Grandpa thinks their teachers are cute. Ha,ha.

  2. These pics were too cute to wait!! Thanks for sharing!!
