Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Katie's injury

Katie got an awful burn today.  :(  This morning, the paper towel she was holding caught fire as she was taking her Eggo waffle out of the toaster oven.  She didn't know what to do, and was scared to drop it on the floor, so she held it in her hand for too long.  I wasn't in the kitchen, but I heard the scream, and my heart stopped.  She said her hand caught on fire, too.  :(

I had her put it under running water while I stomped out the tiny flame, and then it was a waiting game.  Nothing but pain at first.  Then the skin on the top of three of her fingers turned white, then gray.  While we were in the dr. office waiting room, it started to blister.  They confirmed it was a 2nd degree burn, and that there's nothing we can do to help it.  We scrapped our plans to go to the zoo today, and instead stayed home and chilled on the couch with cold water and trashy reality TV shows!  Poor baby is still in a lot of pain, as the blister has been steadily growing all day long.

Look at that blister.  Ewwwwww.


  1. Aw, poor Katie! Give her lots of ice cream and treats to take her mind off the pain :-)

    Ps, yes that blister is super gross!

  2. Poor baby! Didn't the dr say you should go to the hospital? It looks bad.

  3. I've never seen anything like that before. I hope it heals quickly. Never thought of a paper towel catching on fire in the toaster. We have bamboo tongs I use with the toaster.
