Sunday, March 13, 2011

Fun in February

Last month we had so many fun events going on!

First was the Daddy-Daughter Dance at our gym. I curled the girls' hair, and they looked like movie stars:

I don't know why Chris isn't smiling in this one - the girls are SO cute! It was a princess-themed dance, but Jessica was the only one who wanted to dress up in a princess costume. I love her hands out at her sides...just like the princesses at Disney World taught her!

My friend Beth came from the thumb of MI to visit, and we enjoyed lunch, a mani-pedi, and lots of chatting time. What a special treat!

Katie sang with the children's choir for the first time last month. They sounded amazing, especially considering they only had a few practices beforehand. This is her first year in choir, it's for 3rd-8th graders. See her in this pic? She's wearing a white shirt and a purple skirt.

Megan sang like a champ at the Kindermonkey Valentine's Day prayer service! They learn sign language to most of the songs.

We took a trip out to Racine for Great-Grandma Postorino's 90th birthday party, and as a side bonus, we got to meet baby cousin Bram for the first time! The girls LOVED him, and barely left his side. Katie got him to smile a few times, and tried to teach him to stick out his tongue and raise his arms. It was so cute to watch!

Here we are with Great-Grandma Jeanne, 90 years young:

Finally, we had the school talent show! Megan's kindergarten class performed a skit/singalong to a Muppets tune, "Manamanah." They all wore crazy mismatched clothes and sang along to the music - (look on youtube for Manamanah 1976 if you want!). It was pretty funny!


  1. Everyone is SO BIG! I'm glad Megan got to use the 70's girl outfit again!

  2. I want to see video from "MnaMna"!!!! Do yo have any? Carter loves that skit!

  3. I love the hairdos. I wish my hair could do that. The girls look soooo pretty all dressed up.
