Tuesday, February 2, 2016


I made it to November!  Here's some of the fun we had the first half of the month:

More trips to Yates on warm afternoons after school

My view while walking on the Clinton River Trail one night.  We are lucky that the girls take ballet and gymnastics at RARA, which is right on this trail!  So any time that the weather is decent during their practices, I can squeeze in my walk for the day and get some fresh air and nature, too!

Megan found a praying mantis!

The new gymnastics facility at RARA.  The girls take Recreational Gymnastics here once a week.  After only a month, they were moved up to the Intermediate class!  Both girls are on the beam in this picture - Meg has a white shirt and black shorts, and Jess has a black leotard.  Katie didn't want to do gymnastics this time.

Random campfire on the driveway one night

Nice leaf pile at the back of our yard!

Jess made her league's all star team!  Here they're posing after the game.

Our little All-Star and her medal!

They earned certificates after just a few classes!

Megan finished yet another Percy Jackson book!  I didn't keep up with taking photos of these series as well I did for Harry Potter, but she's really cruising through all of them.

Visiting my work one day off school!  I have lots more pictures of the girls up now.

Lunch at Hibachi House on a no-school day!

Big snowstorm!

More and more snow!

Making applesauce, yummm


  1. Is Meg barefoot in the snow picture? I think I will call Child Services!

  2. Tell Meg I read all the Harry Potter and Percy Jackson books too! They're great!

    -Bunny =:]
