Monday, February 1, 2016


First, we started off with school parties on the Friday before Halloween:

Then we went to the school's Fall Festival on Friday night.  Costume parade:
We have no idea why Jess chose to wear a tutu and her soccer uniform. She's weird sometimes.

The party continued in the gym, aux gym, and cafeteria:

Quick stop at DQ before it closed for the season!

Saturday, we started carving our pumpkins!

Meg picked Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas, we just watched it for the first time

Chris did his annual "flaming pumpkin"

Athena and a soccer player, ready for trick-or-treating!

Ron Weasley (Katie's friend) and a clown trick-or-treated all on their own this year!

Jessica's pumpkin, carved all by herself!!

Katie's pumpkin

Meg's pumpkin again

The flaming pumpkin is always a big hit with kids!

We swapped out Jack Skellington at the end of the night

Crazy big haul

Organizing candy


1 comment:

  1. Love Jessica's tutu. The pumpkins are amazing. We never got further than the gap-toothed standard.
