Saturday, November 10, 2012

Trunk or Treating

Our church held its first ever Trunk-or-Treating event.

Our attempt at decorating our "trunk."  It was super windy (Hurricane Sandy) so we couldn't keep many decorations up.  Thank goodness we brought our pumpkins!

Megan was Laura Ingalls, Jessica was a ballerina, and Katie was a caped ballerina.  It was a small event, but it was a lot of fun.  The KofC supplied cider and donuts after the event.


  1. Did yo grow those fancy pumpkins?

  2. Nope. We don't have enough room for them in our little garden. But I got them for only $2.99 at Whole Foods! I think it was mismarked, but I snatched up a whole cart-full!
