Saturday, November 10, 2012


My editing didn't work last night, it looks like just the pictures were posted.  I'll try again:

Carving pumpkins a few days before Halloween.  See our neat trick we heard about from a friend - carve out not just the top, but also the back, so you have easier access to the guts and scraping.  It worked great!

Cinderella is ready to go to school on Halloween Day!

I got to help out at Megan's class's Halloween Party.  I ran the Bingo (with smarties) table and passed out tattoos.  See Megan, third from the left in the back row?  She dressed up as Saint Kateri.

I snuck down to Jessi's classroom for a minute and got to say HI to her in between their party activities.

See Saint Kateri in the school costume parade?

And there's Cinderella!

We carved a few more pumpkins after school on Halloween Day.  Nothing like last-minute!

It was very cold/windy/rainy so the girls all ditched their original costume ideas, and instead went as triplet babies.  With clothes underneath their footie pajamas.  And Uggs.  Babies always have Uggs!

Chris (the pyro) created these flaming pumpkins off a YouTube video I showed him.  They were a huge hit with all of the trick-or-treaters!  Am I the only one who wondered why Carter didn't do this first??  :)

Before trick-or-treating.  The vampire cheerleader in the back is one of Katie's friends from school who lives in our neighborhood.  She went t-o-t-ing with us.

Katie and her friend were deathly afraid of the flaming pumpkins, but Meg and Jess were brave enough to pose for a picture by them.


More pumpkins!

The pumpkins looked pretty crispy by the end of the night.

Our decorated porch

Time to trade candy!

Katie's haul, all organized.

Megan's goodies.


  1. I love all your creativity! Where did the girls get their costume ideas?

  2. Ummmm...they think about their costumes for MONTHS before Halloween! They plan out which costume they will wear to which event. One for ballet class, one for trunk-or-treating, one for school, and another one for trick-or-treating!
