Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Chrysler Open House

A few weeks ago, Chrysler had a 2nd anniversary party/we paid off our government loans party/family open house.  The last time family was allowed in the tech center was ten years ago, so this was a big deal for us to be allowed inside!  The whole building was open, and we got to go into the coolest places (some pics below).  They also had a 'big top' theme with circus performers etc. and free food!  It was a blast!

Chris and girls in a Jeep in the design dome.  It is rare to get a peek in the design offices!

Girls designing the lines of a new Dodge Ram pickup truck.  There were several clay models around, miniature AND full-sized, and they left clay sculpting tools out for kids (and adults) to play with the clays.

Girls in the wind tunnel.  See the smoke line over the car?  We also went into the hot rooms (120 degrees), cold rooms (35 degrees), crash test rooms, acoustic rooms, and saw the snow/blizzard room.

Girls on an outdoor Jeep course!!  Ha ha!!

Katie, Megan, and I are in this Jeep!  We went on the offroading course!  Megan loved it, but poor Katie cried the whole way through it.

We got to go up to the 15th floor of the executive tower and get our picture in front of the signature pentastar window!  This is the big window/building you can see from I-75.

It was a blast to get to see behind the scenes where Chris/Daddy works.  Later on that same day, we went to a kiddy princess birthday party (dressup fun!), and Katie had Molly over for a sleepover.  We cram a lot of fun into our Saturdays!  :)


  1. Why did Katie cry--I want to do the off road obstacle course!!

  2. That is SOOO Cool That you got to all that fun stuff...love the Jeep Race pic...very cute.
