Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ballet season

Ballet recital season is upon us!!  That means lots of pictures of cute ballerinas!!  Last night we had Jessica's and Megan's dress rehearsals.  They LOVED getting their hair and makeup done, getting to wear their costumes, and of course, getting to be on stage!

Jessica's first time on stage.  She was BORN to dance.

Dancing to "A, You're Adorable"

Cute little Jessi.


Megan's group danced to "Edelweiss"

Megan and her BFF Abby got to partner up for part of the song

What a perfect ballerina pose

Megan, Jessica, and their teacher, Miss Danielle

Tomorrow night is Katie's dress rehearsal...then Friday is Katie's recital, and Sunday is Megan & Jessica's recital.  So lots more pics to come!!

1 comment:

  1. The color of the costumes are both so cute! What perfect ballerinas!
