Saturday, May 21, 2011

Busy Week!

Last week was chock full of special school activities!  On Monday, Megan's kindergarten class held a play/performance of the book "The Very Busy Spider," by Eric Carle.  The kids made their own artwork to represent their character, and they each had a line or two to say.

Megan the owl.  "Whooo, whooo built this beautiful web?"

On Tuesday, Katie's grade had their Art & Music Night.  We started off with music - there was singing, dancing, and recorder-playing!

See Katie in the choir, wearing the turquoise-flowered dress?

Katie playing the recorder, one of three songs she played!

Katie showing off her artwork.

On Thursday, Jessica's preschool class took a field trip to a farm.  The field trip was in the morning, so Megan got to tag along, too!

Jessi petting a baby duck.

Jessi milking a cow!

Megan the bunny whisperer.  The bunnies ran away from the other kids/moms, but Megan knew just how to quietly pick them up and snuggle them!

I'll spare you the zillions of other pictures - the girls got to hold or pet baby ducks, chickens, piglets, lambs, goats, cows, etc.  And they got to visit the horses and mommy cows, and we went on a hay ride through the woods and around the farm.  It was a fun field trip!


  1. WOW! I want to go to the farm!!! Looks like so much fun.

  2. I'm exhausted just following all you guys do.
