Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Break - Day 7

Today was the only non-raining day of the week, so we headed to the zoo for the day! We packed our lunches and had a great time on our first trip of the year. Jessica didn't remember much from last year's visits, and it was so much fun to watch her reaction to everything like it was the first time! "oooh, look at all the butterflies!" Girls climbing on the frog sculptures outside Amphibiville: Girls in the seal/polar bear tunnel: Girls in the prairie dog exhibit: Girls on a rock by the lion exhibit: Katie and Jess on the tiger sculpture: Chris took the afternoon off and met us there after lunch. The girls got to pick one "must-see" animal each...Katie picked the horses, Megan picked the prairie dogs, and Jessica picked the zebras. How do they know to pick the animals at the far corners of the zoo??? We did a lot of walking, and a lot of stroller-pushing, and we were all worn out by 4pm. Megan and Jessica passed out in the van on the way home, and continued their nap in the garage (still in their carseats). After dinner, the girls played outside for an hour, then I took Katie and Megan to the gym to do some rock climbing. They climbed til it closed at 9pm! I'm always amazed at how much energy they have!


  1. I want to see rock climbing photos!

  2. Cute pics! I love the zoo but it always makes me so tired. I am tired just looking at your pics! Oh, wait, I am just always tired. Haha
