Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring break - day 3

No pictures today (Sunday). It was our day at home, to catch up and rest up. We managed church, a walk through the neighborhood, and a trip to the gym and the pool, along with the necessary evils of laundry, dishes, cooking, and grocery shopping. Chris' jet lag caught up with him today, and he needed two naps instead of his usual one Sunday nap :) It was supposed to be 50 and sprinkling today, but it was in the 30s and snowing! No fun! We want to go to the zoo and lots of parks this week, but the weather is not cooperating at all. Oh, well, I made up a big list of museum possibilities, so we'll pick one tomorrow morning and make the best of a rainy, stormy day.

1 comment:

  1. I love hearing about your staycation -sometimes the best breaks are the ones you just stay at home!
