Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Mount Rushmore

Yesterday was another long, action-packed day. First thing in the morning, we drove back to the Badlands to hike around a little bit more.

Then we drove back up to the city of Wall again to get an ice cream treat and we wandered around the famous Wall Drug.

Then we drove to Rapid City for lunch before embarking on a driving tour of the Black Hills National Forest and Custer State Park. Highlights included driving through several one-lane tunnels, views of Mt. Rushmore, pigtail bridges, hairpin turns up and down the mountains, and of course the huge herd of buffalo!!!

We checked into our hotel, had dinner on the patio of the famous boardwalk of Keystone, and drove to Mt. Rushmore to see the nighttime lighting ceremony. It was really beautiful, even though my arms and back strained to hold the sleeping Jessica. "You wore me out today, mom," was the last thing I heard!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. hahahah she said "you wore me out", that's so funny!!!

    Can't wait to see you guys!

    What's a pigtail bridge?

  2. Such a cool road trip! You will be here soon!!!!
