Friday, April 29, 2016

End of January

I'm home sick today, so I'll try to be a little productive between naps and do a little blogging!  Here are some random pics of our life in late January:

Meg & Jess in gymnastics class.  Meg is doing the backbend, and Jess is doing the handstand

At the end of each class, when their arms and abs are the most tired, they try to climb the rope and touch the bell at the ceiling.  Somehow, they almost always manage to reach the top!

Jess played basketball with a lot of her classmates

Katie (#7) played basketball, too, with girls from around our city

Jessica got to do a reading at the Sacrament of Reconciliation prep class

The girls LOVE Far Side books now!  I picked up a whole stack of them from the library's used book sale, for only 50c each!  They don't get all of the jokes, but do appreciate the humor in most of them.

Meg played indoor soccer, and even got to be goalie once!  She did fine, but she's a much better forward or midfield player!

I'll work on a few more posts, and will spread them out so they are posted one per day.  Check back often!

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