Thursday, January 28, 2016

October catch-up

I am bound and determined to get caught up on the blog!  So here is what we did in October:

Rochester Posed...a night in downtown Rochester where storefront windows turn into a scene from a fairytale (this year's theme), with live actors.  It's an awesome event which brings thousands of people downtown for a night!  There were dozens of scenes, here are a few of my favorites:
The princess and the frog

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Rumplestiltskin (my favorite)

Sleeping Beauty

Megan loves baking, so we made "Meg's muffins" on a few Sunday nights in a row.  This was a cinnamon crunch kind.

Katie got a chance to march with the Colorguard (flags) in our high school's Homecoming halftime show!  The HS invites 8th graders to march in the band to see what it's like, so they will hopefully join in high school.
Katie's the last one in the row to the far right

Megan went through training, and now is an altar server along with Katie!  We're so proud of them both!

We enjoyed a wonderful Indian Summer, and took several trips to the cider mill:

In mid-October, on a random day off school, I took the girls (and Katie's friend) back to the cider mill to go hiking and to go crayfishing!  It was so warm that day!

Katie caught the grand-daddy of them all!

Our garden was prolific right up til late October.  We didn't have a hard frost til November this year!
ginormous broccoli from our community garden plot

We continued going to Science Club once a month.  There are always fun activities, like making and learning about polymers:

Our zinnias were incredible, so I enjoyed cut flowers into November:

Our church had a nice Halloween party:
Athena, Cleopatra, and a pirate

The pirate won this jar of candy b/c she had the closest guess to how many Starbursts were inside.  The little nerd estimated how many were in a section, then multiplied to fill the jar, and was amazingly close to the right number!

Playing musical chairs

Warm day = run = DQ trip!

Katie's school held their fall choir concert in the high school gym.  It was fun to listen to the 6th graders, then 7th graders, then 8th graders (who sounded awesome!).

Milkshakes at Red Knapps to celebrate the choir concert

We got a gorgeous "flowering" kale for the cemetery.  After we finally got some frosts, it turned a beautiful purple color, and it still looks pretty good even now!

Soccer, cross country, and Halloween posts coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. If the measuring stick at the cider mill is correct, Katie is taller than me. YIKES! And she starts high school in the fall. Cannot believe it!
