Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Last week of school

The last week of school was actually very calm...at least compared with the previous few weeks. Soccer was done, ballet was done, track and choir were done. It was nice to have a break!

Megan got to work as a "safety" the last week of school. It is the 5th graders' job to help with bus lines, lunch, etc, so 4th graders got to try their hand at it the last week of school.

Meg and Jess had full days of school Mon to Thurs, with lots of fun like class picnics, beach day, movie day (Harry Potter #2 for Meg's class), etc. Katie only had two full days, then three half days for finals. Friday was a half day for all three girls.

Jess and her school mascot:

Jess with her teacher, Mrs. Learman:

Meg with her teacher, Mr. Phelps:

Meg went straight to a friend's house after school, but the rest of us went out for sushi for lunch!

Meg had a blast at her friend's pool party:

Our first day of summer vacation was Saturday! We spent the weekend being happily lazy...cooking and baking a ton, going to the park and library, going on walks, etc. It was awesome!

This week is going well. Katie is a counselor at Vacation Bible School. Meg and Jess are at a basketball camp with friends. These are the only planned camps of the summer (I was originally scheduled to work all week and I wanted them to have fun). My last day of work was today:

Summer vacation is truly here!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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