Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Pictured Rocks Day 1

We started hiking on Wednesday morning, a beautiful, cool day.
Just starting on the trail

Good little hikers

First stop - Chapel Falls

Such a pretty waterfall!

Bridge over the Chapel River

More hiking

Gorgeous scenery!
 A funny story...while we were driving to the trailhead parking lot, we passed through a big forest like the one above.  I told the girls we were going to hike through forests like that in order to get to Lake Superior.  Jess, in her little voice, asked, "WE have to hike through THAT?!"  I thought she was mad that we wouldn't be on the water the whole time!  But then she said, "I had no idea it would be so BEAUTIFUL!" in her sweet little voice again!

We made it to Lake Superior, and Chapel Rock!  See the pine tree growing on top?  And see its roots reaching across the rock to the shore/cliff?

Another view of Chapel Rock

Our first campsite, just steps from Chapel Rock AND Chapel Beach

Playing on Chapel Beach

Skipping stones.  See Chapel Rock in the background?

My attempt at an artsy shot of the sand, waves, and perfectly smooth rocks

Girls touching a wall of the Pictured Rocks at the far end of the beach

Putting the girls to work - we sent them into Lake Superior (temp of 50) to filter water for our dinner!

Chapel Rock from the beach

Meg on top of Chapel River as it pours into Lake Superior



Cute girls

Playing a few hands of blackjack before bed