Sunday, December 22, 2013

Snow, ice, and the DIA

We got an ice storm last night, but thankfully we were barely touched. We never lost power, and the roads were ok this morning. It was just pretty out!

Meg's snowman survived the rain and ice:

And the girls' snow fort did, too:

Today, I took them to the DIA for a little outing. We made luminaries:

We sketched in the African art galleries. Here's my attempt:

Jessica's first project:

Jessica's second project:

Katie and Megan collaborated on this one:

And we had lunch in the DIA cafe, of course! It's our favorite place!

Meg took these artsy pics:

Girls in the Rivera Court, my favorite place in the whole museum:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the ice pictures. I'm glad you didn't lose power.
    My girls are great artists!
