Wednesday, November 20, 2013


We've had a very fun, laid back November so far!

The girls like to watch the fox video most mornings. They call it their wake up song! Have you seen the version with the air horn?

Last week, I went on Meg's class field trip to a local nature center. They learned about emerald ash borer! Here they are pulling garlic mustard. There were deer in the background, too:

Jessica was the letter K for her kindergarten alphabet party. We printed off lots of K things and pinned them on her shirt:

Leaf pile fun in our backyard:

I took meg to the DIA on Friday night. Sketching in the gallery:

I tried it, too!

On Saturday, we all went to Graytown for the day. The girls wanted to shoot their 22's. They started out with paper targets, but then found some squash and gourds in grandpas compost pile. They became the new targets!

Chris is borrowing a gun to go deer hunting on Thursday. He wanted to sight it in first. The sight got Dad and Chris right on the nose! Now they have matching cut/bruised noses!

Essential hunting equipment: guns and band aids!

On Sunday, the girls sang in the children's choir for the first time this year. They sounded amazing!

Sunday night was the big windstorm and power outage.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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