Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

New artwork:

From a different angle:

I got to help in Jessica's class party today:

I also helped in Megan's class party today, but didn't want to embarrass her by taking lots of pictures!

When we got home, we started carving pumpkins:

Katie went trick or treating with friends. She was a zombie:

Jess was a fox, and Meg was Laura Ingalls:

It rained lightly the entire day and night, but the girls stayed out for nearly two hours!

Pumpkins, left to right: Katie's, Jessica's, Megan's:


Sorting and trading candy:

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. Sorting and trading candy was always my favorite part!

  2. I was wondering if Katie finished her zombie costume. It looks great!!! I love the owl pumpkin :)
