Monday, August 26, 2013

Jessica is 6!

Saturday was Jessi's 6th birthday. Due to all of our travels, we never really planned a party for her. But we let her be the queen of the family for the day, and she loved it!

I had to wait in a line all morning to register the girls for ballet classes, and I was sad to miss her birthday morning. So I decorated her room the night before - with balloons on the floor, and crepe paper ribbons across her doorway. She loved it! She picked egg burritos for breakfast, and Sumo Sushi for lunch (Cali combo, her usual)!

We went to our subdivision's picnic in the afternoon, and the joke is that the party was for Jess. I asked her if she'd like a bouncy house for her birthday. "Yes!" How about TWO bouncy houses? "Yes!" Well, there's not enough room for them in our yard, so they'll be at the park up the hill. Is that ok? "Yeah!"

She opened presents:

We had planned a nice dinner she had picked from our garden and the farmers market (eggplant parm, beets and greens, cauliflower, and green beans). But they had hot dogs, chips, pop, and ice cream bars at the picnic, so that wound up being her birthday dinner!

She wanted to go on a bike ride, so we ride to Bloomer. But the girls barely played on the playground. The wanted to play blackjack the whole time! Chris had taught them the game the night before, and now they're addicted. They play for quarters, and have made quite a killing so far. They're fast learners...jessi is already counting cards! One time she pointed our that there was only one ace left, so she didn't think daddy had a blackjack!

At home, we had a bonfire and s'mores at Jessi's request.

And we enjoyed her delicious DQ ice cream cake:

AND we enjoyed another dessert - birthday cake flavored Oreos! We made a stack of six to serve as her cake.

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