Friday, March 16, 2012


We are in the midst of a heat wave - temps in the 70's for days on end - and enjoying every minute of it!!  We have visited all of our favorite parks already, and have gone on tons of nature walks.  Just yesterday, when we were walking around a pond, the girls wanted to look for frogs, but I told them it was too cold for frogs yet.  What do you think they found today at our house???  Frogs!!  Lots of them!!  I can't believe it - it's only mid-March!

Champion frogger

Katie was the first one to catch one this year.

Jessica tried to hold one, but was a little timid, so we settled for a "petting a frog" picture.
How fun is this??!!  Spring must be here!!  My spring bulbs are just about to bloom, the grass is trying to grow, and we have lots of frogs in our back yard!!

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