Tuesday, January 31, 2012

School fairs

Yesterday was the school's "Night of Art, Science, and Culture," aka art fair, science fair, and cultural fair crammed into one night!  Katie did three projects, and Megan did two.

Megan's science project.  She did a demonstration of this experiment for her first grade class earlier this year, when she was "star of the week."  It was neat to see her stand up in front of her class and talk!  So this poster was quick and easy for her, especially since Chris typed it all up for her!

Katie's science project.  Didn't it turn out nice?  She thought it up by herself, and Chris helped her do it, and helped her type it up.  She earned 10 extra credit points in science for doing this poster.

Katie's cultural fair poster.  The kids not only had to pick a country, but had to pick a certain aspect to research (from an approved list), and had to get the project approved by their social studies teacher.  Chris printed these pictures for her from his trips to Italy.  She LOVED doing this project,and now wants to visit these churches!  Katie earned 10 extra credit points in social studies for this poster.

Megan's art fair submission.  The theme this year was "Bless the present; gift of now."

Katie's art fair submission.  Katie created a beautiful 3D ribbon bow on top of her present, but it was lost at the art fair, unfortunately.  It really added a lot to the picture.  Katie won 2nd place in Visual Arts, and also won a Sister Helen award (Katie's religion teacher picks her favorite submissions from the art fair).
Sadly, we could not attend the fair last night.  Katie caught the family stomach bug, so for the third time in as many weeks, we were stuck at home with a barfing kid.  Katie started getting sick at school yesterday morning, just as I finished up the final details of the science fair (I am co-chairperson).  Chris is out of town, so I had to stay home last night with poor, sick Katie.  The girls and I were soooo bummed to miss the fair, especially since they had so many projects in it.  But I'm proud of them for their hard work!  (PS - Katie was just fine today, and she'll go back to school tomorrow.  It was a quick stomach virus, thankfully!)


  1. Great job, girls! I'm so proud of you!

  2. Wonderful! What kinds of stipulations do they have to follow? Did they already learn about the scientific process?
    Megan- what kind of clay did you use? I wonder if your experiment would work with other boats, like a boat made of paper?
    Megan- what did you learn about how boats change how things act on water
    Katie- how did you learn about pH? Your predictions were very accurate- I would have also thought that fizzy drinks have the highest pH value. Gaterade was a surprising result!! Did you get to drink all the drinks afterwards?
