Thursday, September 8, 2011

Megan's first day of first grade

On Wednesday, Megan had her first day of first grade.  Such excitement!  What's new for her this year: she'll be going full days, she'll be riding the bus in the morning AND in the afternoon, she'll have art and computer classes, and the best part of all - lunch and recess every day!!  She didn't have that as a half-day kindergartener.

Megan on a dreary morning.

Showing off her new backpack.

First we had to drive Katie to school, here she is in her big-kid uniform.

Megan in front of her school.

Megan in front of her classroom.

She found her coat hook!

Megan and her teacher, Mrs. Marn.

Megan at her desk, ready for first grade!!


  1. SO COoL!
    1 were you nervous to go to school all day long?
    2 I like your new backpack
    3 how long do you get for recess?
    4 do you have to wear a uniform now, or is it still plain clothes?

  2. Megan I love your hair and your dress and your backpack. I hope you have fun in school every day.

  3. Megan, I can't wait to see you in your uniform too!
