Friday, September 10, 2010

Megan's First Day of Kindergarten

Our little Megan started kindergarten this week!!

Thursday was her first day. Here she is on the front porch...

...Megan in front of school (I can't call it "Katie's school" anymore!)... front of her coat hook...

...hard at work at her desk...

...learning the Pledge of Allegiance with her classmates (there are only 11 kids in her class!)...

...cutting out her self-portrait (notice she cuts lefty)...

...picture of our family on Megan's very first day of kindergarten! Thursday was only an hour of "school," learning the routine and parts of the room, with parents encouraged to stay.

Megan with her teacher, Mrs. King, whom Katie had in kindergarten). She's the best! Almost all of the kids have older siblings at Holy Family, I think at least 3 of them have siblings in Katie's grade. So they are starting off confident and comfortable. With just 11 kids in the class, and two teachers - plus an extra one who comes in for language arts - they will thrive!

Today (Friday) was Megan's first REAL day of kindergarten! She got to wear her uniform, spend the full three hours in class, and ride the bus home!

Showing off her backpack.

Megan walking into school.

Working on her door hanger project. I left as soon as she was settled at her desk. She was very quiet and nervous before I left, but there were no tears. She said she LOVED kindergarten! She even got to have recess today, at the same time as Katie's class!

While Megan was at school, Jessi got to play on the computer. This kiddo is amazing with the mouse, even though it's on the right side and she's a lefty. She does great at this paint program, clicking on colors and shapes and making cool creations!

Here are Megan and Katie getting off the bus this afternoon. Look at Megan's grin! She loved her first day and her first bus ride, and can't wait for Monday to get here!

But all of the excitement caught up with she is passed out on the couch about 30 minutes after getting home. It's been a long week of anticipation and nervousness. Thank goodness we have the whole weekend to get caught up on sleep!


  1. So glad she had a great first day of school experience! Nothing beats that! Great pics.

  2. She looks so happy. Awesome that there's only 11 kids in her class.

  3. Megan looks SO OLD in her uniform! Like a little Katie!
