Sunday, August 15, 2010

July fun

I found tons of pics from last month that I forgot to enjoy!

One night Chris got ambitious and made us sushi for dinner! Everyone thought his California rolls were great, except for Megan. See her pouting?

We've had lots of fun playdates with friends this summer. The girls got particularly chalk-covered on this day! They made "paint" by mixing water and sidewalk chalk, then painted their hands and feet, and made prints everywhere. It took a few rains to get this mess off!

Twice this summer I took the girls to the city's Wet & Wild Wednesdays at Van Hoosen Museum. Here are Jessica and Katie going down the big slip-n-slide together.

Wet kids at the bottom of the slip-n-slide.

Katie and Jessica tried it head-first on their next trip down!

Megan went down feet-first.

After a while, we migrated over to the fire hose. It looks like mist, but this water was coming down HARD! We were drenched!

Then we started playing in Stoney Creek. The girls were posing like crazy, so I got lots of pics of the little sweethearts. Here are Megan and Jessica.

Here's Katie with Jessica.

And here are the three beautiful girls!

Mostly they played around in the river, wading, moving rocks, sliding down the little waterfalls, finding crayfish, etc etc. here are Megan and Jessica being "mermaids" in the water.

Another day I took the girls to the Cranbrook Science Institute. Here they are with the Stegosaurus outside the museum.

Look what I found in this geode! A Megan!

Here's Katie with some cool crystals.

And Jessi with a random rock. The girls really loved the rocks and minerals section of the museum this time. They kept saying, "This one is my favorite! No, this one is my favorite! Mom, you've GOT to see this one!" We spent most of our time there!

Then we went to the special exhibit on dinosaurs. Uncle Justin would have loved it there! Here is Jessi standing next to a dinosaur leg bone.

Megan in front of an Allosaurus (Katie's favorite dinosaur).

Megan in front of a cool fossil of dinosaurs fighting! See it?

Megan by a dinosaur like the one she saw on "Dinosaur Train" (PBS TV show) earlier in the week.

Katie in front of yet another dinosaur. There were so many, and we could get so close to them!

Later that day, we had family movie night (Pinocchio) since it was raining. Suddenly it got really sunny while raining, so we raced outside to find the rainbow. Lucky us, we saw a double rainbow! The girls played outside in the light rain for a while, enjoying the rare and beautiful view.

One night, on our walk home from DQ, Jessi took a spill on the street. Her face was unscathed except for her forehead! Poor baby! This is from the next morning, when the goose egg had gone down.

Jessica is jealous of Katie's new chore - vacuuming. So we let her take a turn with the vacuum cleaner sometimes.

At the end of the month, Chris bought a fancy used mountain bike. We've been biking a ton as a family ever since then! Katie and Megan ride their own bikes, and Jessi rides in a seat behind me. The rides are only as fast as the smallest legs, though, so today we bought a tagalong off Craigslist so Megan can have a seat and pedal behind Chris. We're off to test it out right now! Pics coming soon.

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