Jessica picked a ballerina template for her pumpkin.
Katie chose a gory one - a pumpkin eating a pumpkin that's throwing up. I think she was inspired by the pumpkin she saw at the soccer game yesterday...a big pumpkin eating a deflated soccer ball. Fun!
Megan picked a happy face pumpkin.
Girls and pumpkins.
We all napped this afternoon, then Chris made a yummy dinner from our garden. We're expecting our first frost tonight, so we harvested all we could. For dinner, he roasted peppers, carrots, parsnips, and beets (shown here), he cooked up beet greens, and he made kale chips. All from our garden! Yummmmm
Then we got ready for trick-or-treating. The girls are dressed as the girls from the Little House on the Prairie books - Mary, Laura, and Carrie Ingalls. Don't they look great?
Closeup of the pioneer girls.
Side view of the bonnets - too cute.
On the front porch.
Before trick-or-treating. You can't see my costume well, but I'm dressed as "Ma" Ingalls! I borrowed a pioneer costume from a fellow 3rd grade mom. It was beautiful, a long blue skirt, blue bonnet, and black shirt. Hopefully we have good pics from last night's Halloween party that will show it off better.
We were quite popular in the neighborhood - Ma and her three girls! Chris even fashioned the wagon to look like a covered wagon! He duct-taped hula hoops to the underside of the wagon, and draped a white blanket on top. Katie's American Girl doll rode in the wagon. No pics, but it was cute.
It was cold this year, high 30's and very windy, so we TOTed in small segments. The girls got plenty of loot despite the many breaks to come home and thaw out. It was a great Halloween!